Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Day 3 Fasting

Thank you, people that support my efforts in fasting..
It is day 3, and I feel as though it went by real fast.. There was some disappointing, and perplexing news which made me feel week, like i needed a cigarette or coffee.
But, all in all, aside from a hike gone awry, and minor flip outs of my daughter, who hasn't eaten much out of sympathy. And then low blood sugar happened, for her.
I realized that I have one fasting story..
I was on a 6 day fast in Maine, when my daughter and I decided to borrow a dory..a kind of rowboat with 2 pointed ends, used for fishing and travel, for the day. Our land was near the ocean, and so messing around in the sea, finding nasty whale carcasess, old dumps from yesteryear, and wild harvesting greens, and mussels and clams, were activities that were awesome.
So we decided to go in the boat, with Hektor the old lab as mascot, and I wanted to remain close to the shore, for a number of reasons. We didn't have water, I was weaker, esp by that time, and there was a fierce current going to the large ocean from the inlet where Lubec was..which was the town we were at..
But my daughter decided to take the oars, and paddle out toward an island that was epic. Which would have been wonderful any other time. But you can't drink seawater, and we were ill prepared.
So we found ourselves floating around. My daughter was 10 at the time, too little against the current, and me, fasting.. we were skrewed. I tried to head toward the weirs, places that they raised fish in large circular cages in the water, but no go.. So I flagged down a lobster boat, and was towed.

til tomorrow..

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