in this cholera study.. an avid jigsaw puzzle man named patrick, who actually knows friends of mine, and rents from a friend of mine, was discussing with me, somehow, the human race. and its faults.. i believe the conversation started off with dumpstering food and all the waste that humans produce... and then it turned to alchoholism and drug addiction and what this society accepts in its tender blatency of harm..
'people feel its absense but don't know what they are missing'..said patrick..
its absence. the warm cozy in your gut, the grounded foundation, the solidity of being.. and there are generations of people, families that go through the discource and the never ending search for that feeling. to fill that hole. and they don't know what it is.. the chemicals that are synonumus with that hole .. the ones that fill it, the ones you are lacking when you turn to drugs like heroin, or seeven.... is dopamine..
and people become addicted to things, its searchh, the pain that goes along with it
in the same way that people become addicted to emotions. and ways of thinking, as well as the chemicals produced in anger or sadness... or are they addicted to the feeling, the mending, however slight that comes along after the hurt,...the endorfins.. the bandaid?
and it seems like this modern human world is always tring to bandaid things.. they are comfortable with this process, they mask the real reason for the open wound, physical or mental.. pharmaceutical companies and alot of modern doctors make this the rules and standards of their trade.
there is no questioning of the source.. exploring of the constitutes.. it is easier to treat the symptoms of a cold than the actual cold itself and why it is there.. or is it?
is it easier too treat depression with drugs of any sort. than the source of depression itself, and the reason on why it is there.... whet˙er hereditary- genes, or environmental.
i have been mulling for quite som time now, the wsources of the discource of modern society and its needs, addiciton.. how human nature got so out of whack, to produce such excasperated reactions to basic survival traits.
and i have been looking at what modern day people in first world countries, as in America, are looking for.. critiquing what is wrong here.. and what would make sense, as a change.
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