i was exhilerated to be taking pictures of a real live water buffalo named 'ben'. he is owned by a man who has farmed all of his life, and i initially met him at his yard sale, where i bought a yoke that was ben's first yoke, handmade by the farmer. i will keep it in admiration and for when i get my own baby oxen, be it water buffalo or runt heifer of the vermont traditional cow variety. whenever i look at my handmade yoke i think of the farmer with the twinkly blue eyes, who made it for his best pal named ben who he treats like a son.
ben was initially shy and stand-off-ish but after a while he realized that i was friend, not foe, and he wound up licking me alot. i admired the part in his hair, and his ability to be patient.
Nice shots. The cropping on the last one really shows off the angle. I don't think I really knew what a water buffalo looked like...
I like the tinted two the best.